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Lunch Date With Jesus - The eBook

Getting Personal With Jesus 

Are you currently going through challenges and seasons of life: wilderness season, silent season, pruning season, or stretching season, and almost at the end of yourself?


Do you find yourself always busy with work/life that you have little or no time to spend with God? 


Do you need encouragement and inspiration to ignite a hunger for God? 


Are you ready to get deep, intimate, and personal in your relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit?


Sis, this book is for you. Jesus has been patiently knocking at the door of your heart, will you let Him in? He has been waiting just for you. Make it a date. Have #LunchDateWithJesus

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Who is This Book For?

I wrote this book to inspire the girl reading it right now; yes, for you! This book is for the girl who at heart is on the journey of self-discovery; to discover her identity in God, her purpose in life, and become the woman that God has made her to be. She is ready to move forward and overcome the hurt, betrayal, pain, abuse, and brokenness of the past. She hears Jesus knocking at the door of her heart, and she is ready to let Him in, go deep in love with God, and become whom He has called her to be for the Kingdom business.


Are you that girl? Jesus has been patiently knocking at the door of your heart, will you let Him in?

The Purpose of This Book

The purpose of this book is to stir up a deep hunger in you to get personal with Jesus Christ; to grow and develop your relationship with Him in fellowship, partnership, and intimacy through the Holy Spirit, so that you can embrace your identity in Him, walk in your purpose, and experience heaven on earth.


Autographed Copy

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The Purpose of This Book

The purpose of this book is to stir up a deep hunger in you to get personal with Jesus Christ; to grow and develop your relationship with Him in fellowship, partnership, and intimacy through the Holy Spirit, so that you can embrace your identity in Him, walk in your purpose, and experience heaven on earth.

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